Pre-registration form

Pre-registration form

Registration is currently open to participate in Entrena Empleo, which will include several rounds of interventions.
If you have any doubts about how to complete the full registration, which you will see below, you can fill out the pre-registration form and we will contact you to help you complete it.

General data
How did you find out about the program?
If you have selected SOCIAL NETWORKS, please indicate in which of them

Responsible for Treatment:

End of treatment:

1. Enrollment in the program and selection of participants.
2. Treatment of specially protected data (degree of disability, victim of gender violence, etc.), justified by the fulfillment of a public duty (priority criteria at the time of selecting the participants and making them available to the competent bodies for the evaluation, monitoring and control of the project).
3. Sending information about other projects of the entity where you can participate

Legitimation of the treatment:
The consent of the interested party.

Data communication:
The competent bodies linked to the project for the justification of the project.
Those providers who provide us with a service as treatment managers and with whom we have signed the corresponding contracts may have access to your data.

Data retention:
The data will be kept for 3 years from the end of the execution of the POISES operational program for the possible justification of the project.
The data used to send information will cease to be used at the moment in which the interested party requests its withdrawal.

Rights of the Interested Party:
- Right to withdraw consent at any time.
- Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data
- Right to file a claim with the Spanish Control Authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact information to exercise your rights:
SANTA MARIA LA REAL FOUNDATION OF HISTORICAL HERITAGE - EMPLOYMENT TRAINING C/Marqués de Valdeiglesias 5, 2º Dcha. 28004 Madrid or via email, together with valid legal proof, such as a photocopy of the D.N.I. and indicating in the subject "DATA PROTECTION".

Additional Information:
In the privacy policy of our website

Complete your registration here:Complete Registration