The project

What is Entrena Empleo?

Entrena Empleo is a project led by Fundación Santa María la Real that aims to improve access to the labour market for women who find themselves in long-term unemployment after having dedicated themselves to unpaid care work.

Motherhood and care can be important life moments that may cause women's careers to be interrupted or stall. Returning to work can sometimes be difficult and lead to long periods of unemployment.

Entrena Empleo wants to support women who want to take up work again and to boost their access to employment by designing projects according to their needs. The support will aim to value women's own skills that have expanded and improved during motherhood and care. 

Entrena Empleo is funded as a social innovation project by the European Social Fund, within the Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES), in its Priority area 6. It is also co-financed by the Extremadura Government through the Extremadura Public Employment Service; The Cabildo de Tenerife through Fundación Insular para la Formación, el Empleo y el Desarrollo Empresarial (FIFEDE); the Government of Castilla La Mancha through the Economy, Business and Employment Department; the Government of Galicia through the Employment and Equality Department; the Provincial Government of Bizkaia through the Provincial Agency for Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality; and the Fuenlabrada city council by the Centre for Training and Employment Initiatives (Centro de Iniciativas para la Formación y el Empleo). 

What is Entrena Empleo?


The main objective is to design, test and promote a new way of working with women in long-term unemployment who have become disconnected from the labour market because they have been dedicated to care and parenting duties.

To investigate the psychosocial effects caused by long-term unemployment following unpaid care work.To investigate the psychosocial effects caused by long-term unemployment following unpaid care work.
To study the skills that are developed during motherhood and care workTo study the skills that are developed during motherhood and care work
To propose intervention projects based on the research results to improve women’s access to employment.To propose intervention projects based on the research results to improve women’s access to employment.
To carry out pilot projects to put the designed methodologies into practice.To carry out pilot projects to put the designed methodologies into practice.
To check the results of the pilot projects in order to incorporate improvements and identify good practices.To check the results of the pilot projects in order to incorporate improvements and identify good practices.
To disseminate the results obtained with other entities and public bodies.To disseminate the results obtained with other entities and public bodies.
To create a network of related key agents for the co-creation and exchange of experiences and best practices.To create a network of related key agents for the co-creation and exchange of experiences and best practices.
What we do?

We investigate reality
The experience of long-term unemployment can cause discomfort and insecurity in women when considering a return to work.
However, when the time spent unemployed has been dedicated to caregiving, this can be viewed as time during which ideal skills for the labour market have been developed and enhanced.

We propose solutions to make use of the skills acquired during care work

Motherhood and care are periods of great intensity and learning which can help develop some of the skills and competencies that are valued by companies.We design solutions adapted to people's needs based on the results of our research.

We learn lessons from our suggestions
We analyse experiences through pilot projects by implementing the research results so as to offer intervention methodologies that improve the socio-labour inclusion of women. We then measure the results obtained in the pilot projects and incorporate any improvements.

We share the experience
We rely on collaboration from different agents, entities, research groups, collectives and experts when promoting the project and the successful experiences. In addition, the project involves a Network of Organisations whose aim, among others, is to escalate the results obtained.

The Network
The Network of Organisations is part of the Entrena Empleo project, which is a collaborative space for agents from public and private sectors who want to improve the help available for women in long-term unemployment. Coordinated by Fundación Santa María la Real, the Network encourages debate and dialogue on innovative measures, exchanges experiences and analyses best practices with the aim of reducing unemployment among women.

What we do?

Entrena Empleo Programs

Entrena Empleo Mujeres MadridFind out more
Entrena Empleo Mujeres Madrid
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Entrena Empleo RuralFind out more
Entrena Empleo Rural
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Entrena Empleo 2024
ENTRENA EMPLEO 2024 está impulsado por el Área de Empleo e Inclusión Social de la Fundación Santa María la Real; y cuenta con…
Entrena Empleo Madrid 2024
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Entrena Empleo 2021-2023
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Entrena Empleo + 2023
Esta iniciativa está impulsada por el Área de Empleo e Inclusión Social de la Fundación Santa María la Real; y financiada por…
Entrena Empleo Madrid 2023
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